The Shorey Realty Group
The Shorey Realty Group

The Shorey Realty Group

Beautiful Gift Baskets for our Buyers


When I came into our RE/MAX Advantage Gloucester office today I passed these absoutely beautiful gift baskets, waiting to be deliverd to three lucky buyers who just closed on their new homes. Our agents give the baskets, filled with local goodies, special deals and gift certificates, to all of our buyer-clients as a welcoming present to their new houses and/or communities. If any local merchants are interested in participating, please feel free to contact me and I can get you in touch with Audrey Donovan of Donovan Business Solutions, who came up with this great idea and who personally arranges these impressive baskets. Now I want to by a house, just to get my mitts on one of them haha.

Have a fabulous weekend, stay warm and dry!!!!